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Celebrity Astro Gossip: N/A
For those of us born on: March 4 N/A
Today's Health & Diet Tip:Whether a person wears sunscreen or makeup, the SPF rating has to be at least 15 and should be applied all over the face. Today's Stress Buster:Drink one glass of water as an energy booster, because dehydration can wear you down. Today's Meditation:You give little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. -- Kahlil Gibran, from The Prophet Today's Wisdom from around the World:A woman either loves or hates, there is no third course. Latin Proverb
Whether a person wears sunscreen or makeup, the SPF rating has to be at least 15 and should be applied all over the face.
Drink one glass of water as an energy booster, because dehydration can wear you down.
You give little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
A woman either loves or hates, there is no third course.