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Celebrity Astro Gossip: N/A
For those of us born on: August 20 N/A
Today's Health & Diet Tip:Add chickpeas, black beans or garbanzos to your lunch or dinner salad. Beans are great source of protein and fiber. Today's Stress Buster:It is unavoidable that we will all make some big mistakes in our lives. However, if we see it as a learning opportunity we can avoid the associated stress! Today's Meditation:Your body cannot heal without play. Your mind cannot heal without laughter. Your soul cannot heal without joy. -- Catherine Rippenger Fenwick Today's Wisdom from around the World:Walk till the blood appears on the cheek, but not the sweat on the brow. Spanish Proverb
Add chickpeas, black beans or garbanzos to your lunch or dinner salad. Beans are great source of protein and fiber.
It is unavoidable that we will all make some big mistakes in our lives. However, if we see it as a learning opportunity we can avoid the associated stress!
Your body cannot heal without play. Your mind cannot heal without laughter. Your soul cannot heal without joy.
Walk till the blood appears on the cheek, but not the sweat on the brow.