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For those of us born on: November 15 N/A
Today's Health & Diet Tip:Dairy foods are not only the best food source of dietary calcium, but also have plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Got milk? Today's Stress Buster:If you set yourself goals that are unrealistic then you are creating a real danger of stress that could be avoided with a more sensible set of targets! Today's Meditation:You may have tangible wealth untold; Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be-- I had a mother who read to me. -- Strickland Gillian Today's Wisdom from around the World:Ready money works great cures. French Proverb
Dairy foods are not only the best food source of dietary calcium, but also have plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Got milk?
If you set yourself goals that are unrealistic then you are creating a real danger of stress that could be avoided with a more sensible set of targets!
You may have tangible wealth untold; Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be-- I had a mother who read to me.
Ready money works great cures.