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The sheer mix of influences is likely to be misguiding. While your social zone is fabulously aspected, there will be much more to the day than social gatherings and contacts. A friend in need may require your discretion and a demonstration of support!   

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Your Compatible Sign today for

Love: Scorpio   Friendship: Aquarius

Your Lucky Numbers for today:
6, 15, 17, 25, 33, 48

Your Star Ratings for today:
4 stars
5 stars
4 stars
5 stars

This week's Moon Phase & planetary positions:
Waning Gibbous
About Today: March 28 , 2024
  Celebrities born on: March 28
Dianne Wiest, Reba McEntire, Ken Howard, Frank Murkowski, Karen Kain, Vince Vaughn, Julia Stiles  
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Celebrity Astro Gossip:
Carl Barat is the member of the Libertines that everyone tends to forget about thanks to the embarrassing personality flaws so readily exhibited by his previous band mate Peter Doherty. It’s worth remembering that Carl was the innovator and the musical inspiration with the Libertines and so it was inevitable that his creativity would come to the surface again eventually. The latest news is that he is writing a stage musical with Peter and the positive influence from both Mercury and Jupiter suggests that it has the potential to be as popular as his earlier musical output.

For those of us born on: March 28
Happy Birthday! The months ahead are likely to start with a change of mind or change of heart, thanks to something you learn, but the planets suggest you might be wise to weigh up the pros and cons before you reach a final decision! June will see you taking up a noble or worthwhile cause, while July might be a little tricky in terms of an overly sensitive friend. However, it might be best to be honest or straightforward about your feelings. August will be hectic, but September will be full of romantic moments! November will see you getting support and help from someone you perhaps don’t know very well. The New Year will see a surge of ambition that might require a little more development, but it will have potential!

Today's Health & Diet Tip:
Legumes like beans and lentils have plenty of fiber and
folate, which help strengthen the heart.

Today's Stress Buster:
The next time someone is rude to you, remember that it
isn’t your fault and more importantly that it was directed
at you personally.

Today's Meditation:
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
-- Henry Ford

Today's Wisdom from around the World:
Every man is a fool in some man's opinion.
Spanish Proverb

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