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Today will be a day to celebrate as you’ll shake off two restrictive influences. Be true to your instincts and make a decision based on your reliable intuition, because an issue (quite possibly linked to romance) is about to be resolved!   

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Your Compatible Sign today for

Love: Cancer   Friendship: Virgo

Your Lucky Numbers for today:
3, 17, 25, 28, 33, 47

Your Star Ratings for today:
4 stars
5 stars
4 stars
5 stars

This week's Moon Phase & planetary positions:
Waxing Gibbous
About Today: May 16 , 2024
  Celebrities born on: May 16
Tracey Gold, Debra Winger, Henry Fonda, Tori Spelling, Janet Jackson  
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Celebrity Astro Gossip:
For many years John Hurt was many directors actor of choice whenever they needed someone to play an intellectual and intense British character. After a long period out of the limelight he looks ready to come back into the public eye thanks to his latest thriller in which he stars alongside Elijah Wood. John’s Mercury is very strong over the next few months and so he will greatly enjoy the extra attention that comes with promoting a new movie.

For those of us born on: May 16
Happy Birthday! The months ahead are likely to start with a focus on career and status; promotions and financial rewards are favorably aspected in the next few weeks, but don’t take on more than you can comfortably handle. August will revive your social life, and a celebratory event looks likely for some Taureans in September. October is the month to nurture your creative talents, while November is the month to take up a new educational or vocational course. December focuses on romance, while January concentrates on changes within your immediate environment. February sees you working very hard, but March will bring the rewards for all your endeavors! Be open-minded about a proposed trip or journey around then!

Today's Health & Diet Tip:
Touching up hair as soon as you see roots reappear can
shave 30 minutes off coloring time.

Today's Stress Buster:
In many work places we find something of a macho culture
where people compete to see who is going to stay the
latest in the office, don’t engage with it!

Today's Meditation:
Teach only love, for that is what you are!
-- A Course in Miracles

Today's Wisdom from around the World:
Those who wish to sing always find a song.
Swedish Proverb

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