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Be prepared for a strange mix of a day: it could be one of those rare days where things go right; things slot into place and yet something you can’t quite define will still bug you

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Your Compatible Sign today for
Love: Sagittarius   Friendship: Taurus

Your Lucky Numbers for today:
6, 15, 21, 32, 37, 43

Your Star Ratings for today:
5 stars
3 stars
3 stars
4 stars
This week's Moon Phase & planetary positions:
Waning Crescent
About Today: July 2 , 2024
  Celebrities born on: July 2
Lindsay Lohan, Michelle Branch, Thurgood Marshall, Jose Canseco, Carlos Saul Menem, Dan Rowan, Jerry Hall, Paul Williams, Richard Petty  
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Celebrity Astro Gossip:
For many years David Grohl was merely the drummer in Nirvana and even after he had formed the critically acclaimed Foo Fighters it continued to be his old band that received the most attention. However, at a recent Foo Fighters concert he was joined on stage by none other than members of Led Zeppelin! This coincides with an increasingly powerful Saturn and Jupiter in David’s chart, which suggests that his true music potential is on the verge of being achieved and crucially being recognized!

For those of us born on: July 2
Happy Birthday! The months ahead are likely to start on a positive note; new beginnings feature: these positive changes are related to your career. August may bring some confusion; perhaps an ex comes back into your life. However, September is the month where singles meet someone new! October requires some consideration: you will need to resist the temptation to be selfish in order to minimize stress. Communication will be key in the fall; don’t keep things bottled up! While the months of December and March will be dominated by work or school, the New Year and April will see some fantastic changes either to your social life or your home life!

Today's Health & Diet Tip:
Olive oil makes a great scalp treatment before shampooing
and it also can help with dandruff issues.

Today's Stress Buster:
Couples have the ideal cure for stress available to them.
Even if you are feeling tense make a point of hugging as
soon as you see each other each evening!

Today's Meditation:
In the depth of winter I finally learned there was in me invincible summer.
-- Albert Camus

Today's Wisdom from around the World:
If you stop every time a dog barks, your road will never end.
Arab Proverb

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