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You might find that you need to handle matters of the heart with care today, and don’t allow your dreams to run away with you. The planets are suggesting that you may want to postpone any romantic interludes

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Your Compatible Sign today for
Love: Libra   Friendship: Aquarius

Your Lucky Numbers for today:
2, 17, 23, 28, 35, 42

Your Star Ratings for today:
4 stars
5 stars
4 stars
4 stars
This week's Moon Phase & planetary positions:
First Quarter
About Today: March 17 , 2024
  Celebrities born on: March 17
Danny DeVito, Rob Lowe, Nat "King" Cole, Mia Hamm, Nat King Cole, Kurt Russell, Caroline Corr  
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Celebrity Astro Gossip:
Dustin Hoffman has the power and presence to make any film successful. However, the title of his latest effort The Kung Fu Panda suggests that he may have his work cut out this time, particularly as this animated movie only showcases his verbal talents. There is a negative influence to Jupiter in his chart and the movement of Pluto also suggests that this may be one venture that does not bring him many plaudits.

For those of us born on: March 17
Happy Birthday! If there was a key word for the year ahead it would be opportunity. On all sorts of fronts this year there are chances for you to make new and positive changes in your life. Towards the middle of the year you will be able to develop your natural talents in a way that will impress your friends and may even generate some press attention! Financially, the final third of the year will lead to some significant opportunities to boost your savings. Romantically this is an excellent year, although the emphasis is more likely to be on cuddles than passion, you should end the year feeling that the future is extremely rosy.

Today's Health & Diet Tip:
Name the two organs which are most affected by alcohol? The
brain and liver

Today's Stress Buster:
Eating plenty of real, fresh, live organic food will
support your brain, your body, and maximize your energy

Today's Meditation:
It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

Today's Wisdom from around the World:
Your friend has a friend; don't tell him.
Jewish Proverb

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