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Celebrity Astro Gossip: N/A
For those of us born on: September 13 N/A
Today's Health & Diet Tip:Exercise and good nutrition also nourish the mind and spirit, reduce stress, bolster your confidence, and make you feel more alive. Today's Stress Buster:If life feels directionless and unsatisfying try this trick: Write down on everything you like and enjoy on pieces of card and create a priority list! Today's Meditation:A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day. -- Ancient Proverb Today's Wisdom from around the World:A lean agreement is better than a fat lawsuit. German Proverb
Exercise and good nutrition also nourish the mind and spirit, reduce stress, bolster your confidence, and make you feel more alive.
If life feels directionless and unsatisfying try this trick: Write down on everything you like and enjoy on pieces of card and create a priority list!
A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day.
A lean agreement is better than a fat lawsuit.