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Celebrity Astro Gossip: N/A
For those of us born on: March 11 N/A
Today's Health & Diet Tip:Eating foods which are high in soluble fiber, like kidney beans, apples, and oatmeal, are proven to lower bad cholesterol. Today's Stress Buster:A B-complex supplements can help keep the nervous system ready to face the challenges of a stress-filled life. Today's Meditation:God is the light of the heaven and the earth. -- Islam Today's Wisdom from around the World:You can not write in the chimney with charcoal. Russian Proverb
Eating foods which are high in soluble fiber, like kidney beans, apples, and oatmeal, are proven to lower bad cholesterol.
A B-complex supplements can help keep the nervous system ready to face the challenges of a stress-filled life.
God is the light of the heaven and the earth.
You can not write in the chimney with charcoal.